
I’m not much of a poet, not much of a writer. What makes me both of those things is perhaps my undaunted love for both, and my insatiable thirst for self-expression and truth. Words have to be the least communicative means, and the meaning of a poem is always in between the words. Most often it’s a feeling or an understanding that cannot be quantified by language alone. Something profound, something that resonate within our deepest selves, something spontaneous and penetrating. I seek that feeling and understanding in life, and try to put them into words, into memory.

Oh, but I’m not as sophisticated as I sound. I poetize. Most of the time, I’m just me, incessantly hoarding gummy bears, reading a book with a vacant expression on the bus, dreaming through the day, praying to the universe before I go to bed, and goofing around with a huge grin on my face. Most importantly, I try to love everything. I try to live an uncomplicated life.

And I write.


  1. Tokoni O. Uti · December 9, 2014


    I’m Tokoni, A student and poet. Its nice to meet your I’d like to invite you to my blog, http://www.insanitybeautiful.wordpress.com if you’re interested. Thanks!  

  2. N · February 15, 2014

    Kim: Just watched Riddick on DVD; which led me to your 2 posts. The follow up post “Men are all rapists” was not only insightful but made laugh quite a bit! You are correct though, a culture that idolizes male traits in females needs some serious questioning – appropriate name for your blog! Thank you for expressing how you feel in a relatable manner.

  3. Stacia · October 5, 2013

    Based on what I’ve read so far, I’m a fan! You write some great stuff, and from the tag cloud it looks like we have similar interests. Looking forward to reading more. ^_^

    I’m actually a poet as well and just started a blog about a week ago. Perhaps you could check it out and support a fellow wordsmith who’s just getting started? Much appreciated! 😉


  4. writemindedrazo · July 5, 2013

    Hey Kim, I follow you on 8tracks and now I can see your poetry here. Never ceases to amaze 🙂

    Anyhow, I nominated you for the Liebster Award. You can check out the rules here: https://zachrazo.wordpress.com/2013/07/05/nominated-for-the-leibster-award-fun-facts-about-me/

    You can decline if you wish. I’m just glad you keep making amazing lists and good poetry. Keep it up.

  5. Julie Israel · July 10, 2012

    Hi Kim! I found your blog through 8tracks and must say I like what I see 🙂 After reading your About page I think we have similar ambitions / interests, too; I’m also leaning towards teaching, publishing, and / or world travel and cultures and wouldn’t you know it, I also love love love bubble tea! Best of luck finishing that short story– I know exactly what a challenge the task can be.

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